Breastmilk Production Hacks and Facts

Breastfeeding is a vulnerability and bond that is incomparable. If you are a mama who wants to breast feed or one that already is, this topic is one that comes up. Many woman stop breastfeeding due to lack of production. I almost did too until I decided to trust my own intuition and then added a bit of research and now I’ve really mastered milk production. When my production gets low due to work, stress, my baby eating other foods, I know how to boost it and it happens gradually from 24- 72 hours. This blog is strictly going by facts although my intuition is what started it all. Let’s look at facts about our milk production.

It’s a supply and demand system. Meaning the more it’s demanded the more it comes. For producing milk it’s best to feed on demand, whenever your baby is hungry and to fully empty each breast. It is important to offer your baby both breasts as well as pump after feeding if you want to continue making extra milk for storage or if you are concerned you do not produce enough. This demand brings in an abundance of milk that you can see within 24-72 hours.

Nutrition Tips:

Oats! Oatmeal and oatmilk help maintain and bring the milk in after birth.

Fennel seeds!! Not only are they amazing for milk production but they help prevent gas and colic in babies. Traditional Medicinals has a Organic Mothers Milk with fennel and fenugreek tea you can brew daily.

Foods rich in protein, iron, and calcium are essential! Smoothies are one of my favorite hacks! There’s breast feeding powder/proteins such as BOOBIE Superfood for Moms. They also have hydration packs you can add to your water.

Hydration is essential breastfeeding. Drink water throughout the day and a glass while feeding or pumping.

Limit sugary and caffeinated drinks. Everything you consume goes into your milk and into your baby. Too much sugar or caffeine can agigtate them.

Always take your post-natal vitamin to maintain your vitamin levels. Breastfeeding is a full time and tiring job. You must be nourished. If you aren’t neither is your baby and you are so important.

Decompress!!! Stress will kill your production so if you’re stressed do what you have to do to remove it. If you have to stop caring about things you really care about, remind yourself it is temporary. You can get back to work, cleaning and anything else later. You can’t get this precious time back so take a deep breath. If you want to nourish your baby in any way, you must be. Transitioning into parenthood is wild because you do have to find what relaxes you now and what you enjoy now. It truly changes and it’s going to shift so try new things, try old things and ebb and flow to see what works for you. If you don’t feel supported, support yourself. Your thoughts are louder than anyones words. Support yourself with loving affirmations, hug yourself, brush your hair and remember how amazing your body that you grew a baby! This is all extra and it is magical but sometimes you gotta step back and look at the whole picture to relax.

Producing breast milk is a full time job. Producing breast milk is magical. It is rewarding but it’s not all rainbows. You will be tired. You will question if you should continue because you will want help. You do what you need to. I’ve been here too sister. I did not want to breastfeed originally. It was terrifying. My best friend did it and I saw everything. All the bad they warn you about I saw and was scared. I had to let go of this because due to a formula shortage in the United States. The stress of not feeding my baby knowing I didn’t even try felt like neglect to me. So instead of dealing with that I chose ti try it! Why allow someone else’s experience to pave the road for mine? When I had Angelo I immediately attached him to my breast and he continues (6 months) to love my breast for soothing as well as eating. I started by feeding him on demand, from both breasts whenever he moved his lips like he was hungry. My nurse taught me this was a sign to look for because it’s easier to latch your baby before they’re screaming hunger. When I came home with Angelo I was craving oatmeal and was so thirsty. I decided to search what I needed for production it was on top of the list!

Click here for more details on nutrition for breast milk production including vegetarian diets

If you are overwhelmed with the feeling that your baby is not getting enough milk to be fully fed then try strictly pumping and feed your baby from the bottle to watch how much they are eating. If you’re out of breastmilk storage, use formula. Remember how far formula has come and how healthy formulas babies actually are!! I started only pumping at work when I was working because I was so exhausted working and then coming home to feed my baby and try to take care of me and pump so I chose to stop. This hindered my production and left me with no milk in my freezer for a babysitter. I felt defeated. Like a true failure but here I am. Back to producing my milky milky fresh and plumping my boy up! If you are reading this for precaution, take a big exhale and 3 deep breaths and remind yourself , this isn’t your story. This is someone else’s but IF it happens you’ll be prepared mentally that it’s common and it is in your control.


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