Discover your Soul Glow with Padma Mudra
“Lotus Mudra, Padma Mudra helps you to remember the very essence of your innermost Self.
Love, radiance and peace.
The goddess Lakshmi is the Shakti of inner spiritual abundance, grace, wealth, good fortune, and love.
Just as Lakshmi was born out of the churning of the ocean over thousands of years, soul beauty emerges over time, with patience and practice.”
This isn’t about the beauty of the superficial, this is about the soul glow.
First bring your hands softly into Anjali Mudra, prayer hands at hearts center. Slowly unfurl your hands like a lotus flower blossoming open. Keep the base of the hands together, along with the thumbs and pinky fingers. Allow the index, middle, and ring fingers to open.
I recommend sitting in this Mudra and focusing on your Anahata Chakra, your heart space. If it is comfortable for you, softly close your eyes or lower your Drishti, your gaze.
Imagine a light, your light shining out of your chest and into the lotus between your palms. Now allow your light to spiral back into you then down through the Earth.
You are growing roots and intertwining with the fire within Earths core. Your energy is in a dance with the natural energy of Pacha Mama, Earth.
Release your energy, your light and guide it back into your palms. Into the lotus you are holding. That very essence of energy is the essence of your soul.